Request new user account

The amount of data that can be publicly viewed on this website may be limited due to applicable law concerning privacy protection. Most people do not want their personal data publicly available on the Internet. It could be misused for spam or identity theft.

To gain access to the private data, you must have an account on this website. To gain an account you may register yourself by providing the requested information. After the administrator has checked your registration and approved it, you will be able to login and view the private data.

If the relationship privacy is activated you will only be able to access your own close relative's private information after logging in. The administrator can also provide access to database editing, so you can change or add information.

NOTE: You only will receive access to the private data if you can prove that you are a close relative of a person in the database.

If you are not a close relative you will probably not be given an account, so you should save yourself the trouble.
If you need any further support, please use the link below to contact the webmaster.

Username *
Please note: The system is case-sensitive!
Password *
(Password has to contain at least 6 characters)
Confirm Password *
Please note: Passwords can contain letters and numbers and other characters.
Full Name *
Change Language
Email Address *
This email address will be verified before account activation. It will not be displayed on the site. A message will be sent to this Email address with your registration data
Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Pending completion of the form on this page and verification of your answers, you will be sent a confirmation message to the email address you specify on this page. Using the confirmation email, you will activate your account; if you fail to activate your account within seven days, it will be purged (you may attempt to register the account again at that time). To use this site, you will need to know your login name and password. You must specify an existing, valid email address on this page in order to receive the account confirmation email.

If you encounter an issue in registering an account on this website, please submit a Support Request to the webmaster.